379-1943 No More

CareySound has had the 379-1943 phone number since our beginning in 1978. It was never easy to remember but through eleven moves and three area code changes it has at least been consistent - until now.

Three years ago when we moved to our new home here on Pomona Dr. we were told that the number that had served us so well over the years was not available at our new address as a native number and they assigned us our new 292-8282 number. Concerned that we might miss important calls we coerced them into letting us keep our original number as a redirect. All was fine until we discovered last month that they began charging us for the privilege (an exorbitant amount no less). So after 33 1/2 years we are retiring that old number. So if there are any of you out there that are not using our new number please make the change in your records.
